Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Compare and Contrast of a Double Page Spread

Compare and contrast of a double page spread from Hannah Ould

Here I have compared by Double Page Spread with an existing one and have identified what I need to do in my next draft to make it better.

Compare and Contrast of a Contents Page

Compare and contrast contents page from Hannah Ould

Here I have compared my contents page with an existing one, Shout Magazine. This will help me know what to change/alter for my next draft.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

First Draft of Double Page Spread

Here is my completed first draft of my double page spread. I have added a bottom banner with information in underneath the article with some vague information in - like one of the Top of the Pops double page spreads. For my next draft I will either change my dominant image or edit it better as I am aware that it looks a bit grainy/not as professional as the rest of the double page spread. I may, also, change the background so that there is not as much blank space behind my dominant image. Overall, I am quite pleased with my first draft of my double page spread.

Draft of Double Page Spread

From last time I have added two sub images to the front cover with captions and photo credits. I have, also, added an article credit and a dominant image credit. I, also, decided to add some yellow to the space behind the article title but I was not sure whether the yellow made the page look a bit garish or not. In the end I have decided that I do like the yellow and that I will keep it as I think that it looks bare without it.

14th December 2016

Start of Lesson

In this lesson I will be aiming to finish my first draft of my double page spread.

End of Lesson

In this lesson I have completed my first draft of my double page spread and I have identified what I need to change for next time.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Draft of Double Page Spread

12th December 2016

Start of Lesson

In this lesson, I will be continuing to create my first draft of my double page spread.

End of Lesson 

In this lesson, I have continued creating my double page spread.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Draft of a Double Page Spread

Here is my current draft of my Double Page Spread. I need to change/edit the image as it is a bit grainy. I have finished the article and have added a pull quote as well as some coloured triangles to add colour to the page.

7th December 2016

Start of Lesson

In this lesson I will be continuing to work on my Double Page Spread.

End of Lesson

In this lesson I have continued my Double Page Spread.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Draft of Double Page Spread

Here is my current draft of my Double Page Spread. I still need to finish typing up the rest of the article and add my images to the page. There are a few more things I need to do like add captions and an anchor, etc.

Flat Plan for Double Page Spread

Flat plan for double page spread from Hannah Ould


My double page spread will have the article title at the top of the left hand page with a strap line underneath it. Underneath the article title will be the actual article. At the beginning of the article will be an intro/kicker with a drop cap at the start. Above the second column of the article will be two sub images. Each image will have a caption. The dominant image will take up the entire right hand page and above it will be a slug and a running head. There will be an anchor in this bottom right hand corner. There will be a byline underneath the anchor and dominant image. In the bottom left hand corner and the bottom right hand corner of the double page spread there will be page numbers. I was inspired by 'Top of the Pops', 'We Love Pop' and 'Teen Vogue'.The colour scheme will be the same as my contents page and the fonts will, also, be similar. The article title will be 'All's Fair in Love & War' - which will be written in three different fonts. 'All's Fair in' will be written in 'Olympic Branding from dafont.com, in light blue; 'Love' will be written in 'Thinking of Betty' from dafont.com in pink; '&' will be written in 'Bringshoot' from dafont.com in the same blue as 'All's Fair in'; 'War' will be written in 'Hollywood' in a lime green colour. The '&' will be smaller than 'Love' and 'War' so that they will instantly grab the audience’s attention and entice them to read the article. The 'Love' and 'War' will be in two different colours to show that they juxtapose each other.The strapline will say something like 'Boys, Love and a New Album. Oh My!' - this would be a reference to the Wizard of Oz quote "Lions and Tigers and Bears. Oh my!" This will be written in 'Olympic Branding', like some of the article title, and will be written in pink - as pink is a stereotypically girly colour.The article and intro/kicker will both be written in 'American Typewriter' in purple. The intro/kicker, however, will be written in a lighter purple than the rest of the article to make clear that this is the intro and not apart of the actual article. As well as this, it will be written in a slightly bigger font.I will have the anchor as a pull quote from the article - the part of the article with this quote in will be written in pink to draw it to the audience's attention. The anchor will be written in both 'Bringshoot' and 'Thinking of Betty' - so that it has a similar look to the article title. Key words from the pull quote will be written in different colours from the rest of the quote - likely to be pink and blue.The two sub images will be pictures taken from the models social media account (at least according to the article). They will likely be of the model and with someone else, who is mentioned in the article. Each sub images will have a caption, explaining what is happening in the image/who is in the image.The dominant image will be of my model, with a casual pose and a 'Chocolate Box' facial expression to show a fun side of the model and to try to convince the audience to read the article. My model will be wearing casual, girly clothes in pink and other girly colours. She will be wearing makeup but not too much and her hair will be quite natural - possibly curled. The image will be a full shot of her body and will be at eye-level so that she can make eye contact with the audience - to form a direct mode of address with them.The running head will contain a box with 'Article' written in - as is featured in 'Top of the Pops' articles. The box will be a light yellow and the font will be a bolder 'American Typewriter' in pink.The page numbers at the bottom of the page will be a similar style to the running head but the font won't be bold it will be normal.For language and register, I will be using a lot of internet slang and language that the target audience would use so that they can relate to the magazine and will identify with it. I will use abbreviations like OMG, BTW and TBH so that when the audience read it they will feel included as the article is catered towards them. The use of slang and abbreviations will make the audience feel like this is a language only they can understand, giving the magazine a sense of personality and privacy from other people.The dominant image is of the model leaning against a tree and looking into the distance. The lighting is natural lighting as it makes the whole magazine seem more authentic and the model seem more down-to-earth. The image is taken at eye-level as it shows that the model sees her fans as friends rather than fans – they are not beneath her. The fact that she will be looking to her left shows that she is reflecting on her past and draws the attention of the audience to the article. Due to the fact that she is leaning against a tree will imply that she can lean on her friends for support should she need to – as friendship is an important part of the article.

Source Existing Magazine Double Page Spreads

Source inspiration for double page spread from Hannah Ould

Here are the magazines that I have chosen to be the inspiration for my double page spread. I have chosen: 'Top of the Pops', 'Teen Vogue' and 'We Love Pop'. I have chosen 'Top of the Pops' because I like the layout and the different fonts. I have chosen 'Teen Vogue' because I like the layout. I have chosen 'We Love Pop' because I like the layout and the framing of the double page spread. I hope to incorporate elements from all three of these magazines in my own double page spread.

5th December 2016

Start of Lesson

In this lesson, I will be sourcing my inspiration for my double page spread and making a flat plan for my own double page spread. I will, also, be starting my double page spread.

End of Lesson

In this lesson, I have sourced my inspiration for my double page spread and made a flat plan for my own double page spread. I have, also, started creating my double page spread.