Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Flat Plan for Contents Page

Flat plan for contents page from Hannah Ould


My contents page will have the heading at the top of the page with the editor’s note underneath it on the left hand side. Underneath the editor’s note will be the features and subheads in two columns, the features will be organized into categories like Top of the Pops and Shout magazine do. On the right hand side of the page (underneath the heading) will be the dominant image with sub images and information underneath it. Underneath the sub images will be social media links. I was inspired by 'Top of the Pops', 'We Love Pop' and 'Shout' for my contents page. The colour scheme of my contents page will be the same as the colour scheme for my front cover, pastel colours (mainly pink). The heading will consist of my magazine name along with a 'what’s inside' style title so that it is clear that this is the contents page. The typography will be similar to the typography on my front cover; girly/curly style fonts in pinks, purples and blues. The numbers for the features will be in a bigger font to the features and subheads so that you can clearly see where that feature will be. The dominant image will be of my model and one of the two sub images will be a smaller version of my front cover. The social media links will be there so that the audience can choose to follow the magazine on different social media platforms so that they can receive news and information about the magazine.
Like Shout Magazine, I have decided that the background of my contents page will be white so that gives a clean and polished look to it - the danger of this, however, is having excess plain space with nothing filling it. I need to make sure that I have enough on my page to fill all the white space.
The heading will include the masthead 'Lyrix' written in 'Chocolate Dealer' from in hot pink to match the masthead on the front cover. It will, also say "What's inside..." in a light blue in 'Olympic Branding' from this will match some of the writing on the front cover to make a clear link between the pages and help with the theme of pop music as it is a bubbly, girly font. All of the headings for the categories of features will, also, be written in 'Olympic Branding' as well and in the same colour blue. The features, however, will be written in 'American Typewriter' to give a professional look to the magazine. The page numbers will be written in 'Austie Bost You Wear Flowers S' as it is a different girly font that is different to the other fonts used to draw the audience’s attention.

The dominant image will be of the model on the front cover, blowing a kiss to the audience whilst making eye-contact with them. The eye-contact with the audience will form a direct mode of address with the audience – forming a relationship with them. This added with the fact that she is blowing a kiss to the audience makes the relationship between them and the model seem friendlier and more personal. The photo will be taken at eye-level to show that she does not consider her fans beneath her.

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