Monday, 17 October 2016

Flat Plan for the Contents Page

Flat plan contents page from Hannah Ould


The masthead will be situated in the top left hand corner of the contents page with the issue number next to it on the right hand side. The date will be underneath the masthead and all the sell lines/article names will be underneath that. The dominant image will be on the right hand side of the sell lines. There will be three sub images situated around the dominant image. Each of the images will be of a different part of the college and each of the sell lines will be something to do with the college. The essential information will be under the sell lines but will only be small so that it does not detract from the sell lines and dominant image. The colour scheme will be the same as the front cover; blue and white to match the college logo.

1 comment:

  1. A good plan is this. Thanks for sharing. This will help me to make a proper plan for writing my coursework. Dissertation writing service
